Accounts & Transactions

Nicknaming your accounts

Posted on Jun 11, 2024

Adding Special Characters to an account nickname may cause errors with external transfers and sending money with Zelle®.

We suggest limiting your nicknames to letters, numbers, and spaces.

Please do not include special characters like: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = | ? / > < ; : \

You can add a nickname for your bank accounts through FHB Online Banking or the FHB Mobile app. When adding a nickname in FHB Online Banking, it will update the account nickname throughout FHB Online & FHB Mobile Banking. If you update an account nickname in the FHB Mobile app it will display the nickname throughout the FHB Mobile app, but it will not affect what is displayed when using External Transfers, Bill Pay, Zelle® or FHB Online Banking.

To Add Account Nickname in FHB Online Banking
  1. Log in to FHB Online
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click Account Preferences
  4. Click the 'Pencil' icon under the Online Display Name.
  5. Select the Account you want to Nickname
  6. Enter the Account Nickname you want to use
  7. Click the 'checkmark' to save

Screen shot showing accounts

Screen shot showing account nickname


To Add Account Nickname in FHB Mobile
  1. Tap on the Account you want to update
  2. Tap on the Account Name field
  3. A pop-up will appear. Enter the Account Nickname you want to use.
  4. Tap Save
Screen shot showing Account Details
Screen shot showing account nickname on mobile


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