Banking Convenience Services
Extra ways to get more from your First Hawaiian Bank Checking account
Debit Card
It's a debit card that works like a check, letting you buy goods and services more conveniently. Purchases are automatically deducted from your checking account.
Automatic Transfers and Payments
Ideal for making monthly loan payments to First Hawaiian or making deposits into your savings account on a monthly basis at no charge.
Direct Deposit
Have your salary, retirement, or Social Security payments deposited directly to your First Hawaiian checking account.
24-Hour ATM Banking
Use your First Hawaiian MasterCard[[®]] ATM Card or Bank Debit Card to get round-the-clock access to your checking and savings account at the ATMs around the world which display the Cirrus[[®]] or STAR[[®]] symbols.
Let us store images of your cancelled checks. Anytime you need a copy of a cancelled check, we can provide a copy usually within 48 hours of your request. Your monthly account statement will list all of your checks paid.
Check Image Statements[[#2]]
Be organized with Check Image Statements. Receive copies of your cancelled checks up to 8 (image of check front side) per 8 1/2 x 11 page for individuals and up to 6 (image of check front & back sides) per page for businesses—all listed by check number in your monthly statement. Check Image Statements can be easily filed or placed in a binder for reference.
Click here for an individual example and here for a business example.
Yes-Check[[®]] Overdraft Protection[[#1]]
Protect your First Hawaiian checking account against overdrafts. Call 643-LOAN (5626) to apply over the phone.
Foreign Exchange
If you give or receive foreign payments, see how we can help save you time and money.
Wire Transfers
Send electronic payments virtually around the world—one of the fastest, safest, and most efficient ways to transmit funds from your account to another's, domestically or internationally (where permitted).
Combined Statement
Makes record keeping easy by giving you a detailed summary of all activity in your checking account and your other First Hawaiian accounts you designate.
Safe Deposit Boxes[[#5]]
Because we care about protecting your personal finances as well as your personal belongings, we provide a convenient and cost-effective way to use our bank vaults to safeguard the things you treasure.
FHB Online[[®]] and Mobile Banking
With secured access to your First Hawaiian accounts, you now have a choice of doing your banking wherever you want, whenever you want. Access your account statements with eStatements[[SM]], deposit checks using the FHB Mobile app, transfer funds between your First Hawaiian Bank accounts and your accounts at other banks and make payments to your First Hawaiian Bank mortgage, credit card and loan accounts. With Online Bill Pay[[#4]] you can manage all your payments to almost anyone in the U.S from a single dashboard. Use MoneyMap to aggregate all of your accounts with any financial institution and gain valuable insights into your overall finances. It's the ultimate in banking convenience.