Can I schedule multiple/advance payments?
Yes, multiple advance payments can be scheduled. However, when making advance payments, you must specify whether those additional payments should be applied to future monthly payments or to the principal.
Yes, multiple advance payments can be scheduled. However, when making advance payments, you must specify whether those additional payments should be applied to future monthly payments or to the principal.
There are certain situations where this option is not available. For further information, please call Mortgage Loan Servicing at 808-844-4178 or toll free at 1-800-362-7606, Monday through Friday 7:30am -4:30pm HST for details.
We will notify you by mail that your request was not processed and a $20 fee for insufficient funds will be assessed to your loan.
A payment to your mortgage loan via a credit card or credit card "convenience checks" is not allowed at this time. Please contact us at 808-844-4178 or toll-free at 1-800-362-7606, Monday through Friday 7:30am -4:30pm HST if you wish to discuss other payment options.
You may use any checking or savings account with U.S. funds to which you are an account holder and have the authority to use.
As long as your current month's mortgage payment has been posted to your loan and you have no outstanding fees, you will be able to make additional principal only payments. The most convenient option is to make your payment via the FHB Online & Mobile Banking option to Make an FHB Payment.